
Confettura di fico rosa di Pisticci

The raw material used is made up of figs produced on the farm land, located in the area of ​​Metaponto, southern Italy, of a native variety called Fico Rosa di Pisticci.
The transformation takes place within 24 hours of collection.
To obtain 100g of jam about 90g of fresh figs are used, without the addition of preservatives.

Ingredienti e caratteristiche

Ingredients Figs, sugar, lemon juice, natural flavors.

Organoleptic characteristics
Color: amber brown;
Taste: sweet;
Consistency: dense with the presence of pulp

Informazioni prodotto

Use ideal on bread, biscuits and biscuits. Thanks to the delicate fragrance, it is appreciated for breakfast or as an accompaniment to snacks during the day; also suitable for filling cakes, tarts and biscuits and to accompany fruit and chocolate ice creams; excellent to taste together with fresh or semi-seasoned cheeses (pecorino, caprino).

Storage conditions
The product should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from heat and direct light.
Once opened, it should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within a few days. packs
The product is packaged in glass jars of 110 g, 220 g and 400 g